About us

Directions of SIE:

1. Educational: Training the next generation of highly qualified specialists in the direction of undergraduate "Chemical Technology and Biotechnology", "Biology" and the specialty "Fundamental and Applied Chemistry" for work in the biotech industry in the North-East of the Russian Federation.

2. Scientific: Activities in the area of fundamental science to provide the basis for the development of knowledge-based bionanotechnology obtaining of solid bio-complexes based on vegetable raw materials.

3. Production: The development of modern biotechnologies of mechanochemical processing of unique species for the North-East of Russia biological and organic raw materials, focused on generating new solid-phase biological medical, food and veterinary use and pilot production.


Innovative features of the SIE:

• The using of renewable northern raw materials with increased and a wider range of diversity of biologically active substances (BAS)

• Using of modern physico-chemical mechanochemical biotechnologies that allow lossless most fuel efficient and environmentally friendly way to extract the corresponding complexes of biologically active substances from natural raw materials, or contribute to their formation in the process of biotechnological processing of predecessors, ie obtained from inexpensive raw materials end products and high market value in use.

• The preparation of solid dispersions - composites "drug-carrier." The mechanochemical clathrating can significantly increase the bioavailability, prolongation of many drugs, reduce their toxicity and even activate new features in the parent drug - Farmakon with decreasing of its effective dozens of times.


The activities of the SIE:

Mechanochemical biotechnologies were developed production of highly efficient solid-phase powders based on vegetable and mineral raw materials for the food, veterinary and biopharmaceutical industries.

Have launched a pilot batch of bioproduction - lineup of solid biologically active food additives, "Yagel - Detox", "Vita-Yagel," "Vivlan", "Kladorod", food additive "Cladonia" made on the basis of lichen thalli genus Cladonia by mechanochemical biotechnology have both versatile and highly efficient detoxifying action of biological (including therapeutic) broad spectrum activity - antibacterial, adaptogenic, actoprotective, hypoglycemic, and others at decreased doses.

All production is produced on the basis of active filler "Yagel powdered ultradispersed" approved by the normative regulations (TI, TU - 9164-001-02069705-12).

Expertise of SIE «Mechanochemical biotechnologies" in order to comply buildings, structures, premises, equipment and other property requirements Sanitary 2.3.2. 1290-03 "Hygienic requirements for the organization of production and turnover of biologically active additives (BAA)," and received an expert opinion from 05.06.2012 № 03-03 FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)" about the conformity.

Expertise of raw materials for the production of dietary supplements "Yagel ultradispersed powdered" and get an expert opinion № 10-2 FTS/3259 from 08.08.2012. FBUZ "Federal Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology," Epidemiology. Moscow. Expertise of dietary supplements "Yagel detox" and get an expert opinion № 10-2 FTS/3438 from 23.08.2012. FBUZ "Federal Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology," Epidemiology. Moscow.

Obtained the certificate of state registration of the raw materials for the supplement "Yagel ultradispersed powdered" № RU. on 27.09.2012 and certificate of state registration for supplement "Yagel-Detox" № RU. E.014127.09.12 from 27.09.2012

On May 25, 2012 organized SIE Limited Liability Company "Mechanochemical biotechnologies."

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